BACIET (British Academic Center International English Test), การทดสอบเพื่อเข้ามหาวิทยาลัยของต่างประเทศ โดยทดสอบ 4 ทักษะ (ฟัง- พูด- อ่าน- เขียน) ซึ่งผู้สมัครสามารถนำผลการทดสอบยื่นสมัครเรียนในมหาวิทยาลัยที่ร่วมโครงการกับหลักสูตร Joint Master Programmes โดยมีค่าใช้จ่ายเพียง 3,750 บาท โดย BACIET เป็นข้อสอบวัดระดับภาษาอังกฤษ ที่มหาวิทยาลัยที่มีความร่วมมือยอมรับเทียบเท่ากับ IELTS
ตารางสอบ BACIET ปี 2024
Listening The Listening Test is approximately 30 minutes in length with a further 10 minutes for students to transfer their answers to the Answer Sheet. There are five sections (50 questions). Each section is heard once and a wide variety of voices and accents are used.
Reading The reading test takes 60 minutes and no additional times are given for the transfer of answers to the answer paper. The reading test is divided into five parts(50 questions). A variety of question forms are used, including multiple choice, true/false, matching information, labeling a diagram, sentence completion, flowchart completion and grammatical or lexical selection.
Writing The writing test takes 60 minutes and the candidate is set two tasks, requiring a minimum of 150 words for task one and 250 words for task two. Task 1 – the candidates are presented with a table, chart, diagram or graph and asked to describe, summarize or interpret the information in their own words. Task 2 – the candidates are asked to write an essay in response to a point view, argument or problem.
Speaking The speaking test is a three phase face to face oral interview with an examiner and lasts between 10 to 12 minutes. Phase 1 – the candidate will be required to confirm their identity and provide an introduction. The candidate is then asked four or five questions about a relevant topic, such as interests, studies, culture, family or home. Phase 2 – the examiner will present the candidate with a card containing a specific topic with prompts to develop it into a short talk. The candidate is given 1 minute to prepare and then talks for between 1 to minutes on the topic, followed up by a number of additional questions by the examiner. Phase 3 – the candidate will be asked further questions based on the previous topic |
*** BACIET band score will be from 0 - 7 for each test section.